Explore the 1,000’s of tax questions answered by professionals.


I sold certain positions that I had in US savings bonds in 2011. Do I have to report the 1099 .... ... read on

I am surrendering the life insurance policy that has a 10% penalty plus taxes on gains. I also have .... ... read on

I am currently living in India but I had some money invested in mutual funds in the US while I .... ... read on

Real property was transferred from single to joint ownership but the mortgage is still single. What is the impact? ... read on

For the past three to four years, I have held a significant amount of foreign currency in India. If .... ... read on

How do you know whether to use the Schedule D tax form or the qualified dividends and capital gains tax .... ... read on

How are qualified dividends treated and what if some of the dividends are reinvesting into the stock? Does that .... ... read on

I got a final K-1 letter in 2009 for 1041 from a closed trust. Listed under Part III: share .... ... read on

How do you report owner distributions on a two member LLC for each member's personal tax return? ... read on

On what form & line can I carry forward tax losses? ... read on